Basic Commands for players. These are primarily commands for non-standalone features.
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Basic Commands for players. These are primarily commands for non-standalone features.
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ImperiumMC features a multitude of channels when it comes to chatting. This can make it rather complicated when switching between channels. Direct Commands: - /g Global Chat - /l Local Chat (All players in a 50 block radius can hear you) - /rp Roleplay Chat Nations Chats: (Restricted to Citizens of the Nation) - /ve Valois Empire - /usi USI - /ba Bavarian Kaiserreich
You can still see chat from all channels you have access too, even when selecting a specific channel.
You are able to view and your own RP character by doing /char . You can create one by doing /character set and selecting the categories you would like to edit. Once a RP profile is setup, your RP name will display in RP chat.